SAC1 rev

Cards (14)

  • CTE is a progressive, degenerative and fatal brain disease associated with repeated blows to the head over a long period of time
  • thalamus is connected with structures of the limbic system, which is involved in the formation and storage of memories
  • CTE can't be diagnosed before death due to CTE diagnosis requiring evidence of degeneration of brain tissue and deposits of tau protein that can only be seen after death
  • hindbrain - pons
    the pons help transfer neural message between various parts of brain and the spinal cord
  • pons are involved in sleep and arousal and coordination of some muscle movements
  • loss of motor skills due to damage to cerrebellum
  • cerebellum helps coordinate voluntary movement and balance by relaying motor information to and from cerebral cortex
  • cerebellum role in motor learning
    motor skills are improved by practise, practise involves voluntary movement and balance, in order to get better, motor learning has occurred
  • damage to cerrebellum
    loss of motor skills due to head trauma that result in damage to cerrebellum
  • limbic system located on either sides of thalamus
  • limbic main function is to process and regulate memory and emotion
  • damage to limbic system and structure can result in a form of amnesia
  • memory loss occurrence anytime after a TBI is known as a 'post traumatic amnesia' the seriousness of this diagnosis depends on the severity of the TBI
  • thalamus role in thinking and memory
    thalamus is connected with structures of limbic system, which are involved in the formation and storage of memories