KF - Suffered brain damage, the impairment was mainly verbal info but visual info wasn't affected
What does WM consider?
Storage and processing of information
What does it explain?
Many practical observations
Why it was easier to do 2 different tasks than 2 similar tasks
What does it account for?
Individual differences in memory processing
Turner and Engle - Pd hold words in memory whilst working mental arithmetic problems
WM is practically useful in explaining why some individuals have specific learning difficulties
Any component of WM may be involved in performing difficult tasks - ARP seems to play part in memory span tasks, mental arithmetic, verbal reasoning and reading
What is the problem with knowing the least about the CE?
It's the most important component and it's difficult to falsify
Richardson (1984) - the concept of the CE is too vague but it can be used to justify any results
What types of real phenomena can the WM explain better than MSM?
Baddeley (1990) - Children with specific learning problems (reading) - problem was impaired memory span
What is the problem in one part of WM?
Related to the development of the phonological loop
Rehearsal plays a central part in MSM - Evidence from everyday situations suggest people rarely rehearse information
WM is better model of STM than MSM
Baddeley (1986) - 2 tasks at the same time
Digital span task - required them to remember a list of numbers and a reasoning task
Baddeley (1981) - Aim is to continue identifying as many specific processing mechanisms as possible
CE is just an area of STM which hasn't been explained fully