Herbert Hoover: 'previously led Food Administration in WW1, like Harding + Coolidge; laissez faire approach, believed in rugged individualism, president when “Black Thursday” happens'
Marcus Garvey - Created the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), promoting black-owned businesses to sell to black consumers, founded BlackStar steamship line
1921 Emergency Quota Act & 1924 National Origins Act - set yearly immigration restrictions for each nationality, limited annual immigration to 150,000 people. Quotas set for 2% of each nationality in the US in 1890 **discriminates against eastern and southernEuropean immigrants
Harlem Renaissance - explosion of art, music, literature from AfricanAmerican artists; mostly middle-class, educated, and proud of their African heritage
Jazz - Comes out of the African American experience in the south (cities like New Orleans), but will move north and west *Remember GreatMigration happening*
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) provides federal grants to states for: construction projects, education programs, part-time work for college students, direct relief for those unable to work, and more
National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA) involves business leaders coming together to draft codes of fair competition, set prices and wages; guaranteed workers' right to collectively organize and bargain
Works Progress Administration (WPA) provides jobs for the unemployed and improves the nation’s infrastructure; also employed artists, musicians, and writers