Assessment - Neural Integrity

Subdecks (3)

Cards (15)

  • Neural Integrity:
    • Always indicated in the presence of peripheral pain which could be referred from the spine. If you do not complete neurological testing when indicated it is UNSAFE
    • This should then be performed during/at each session dependent on clinical presentation to monitor for improvement/worsening of symptoms
  • Neural Integrity:
    • Indications for Neural Integrity:
    • Pain referred to or past the buttock/shoulder
    • Altered sensation, i.e. paraesthesia or anaesthesia
    • Referred pain from the spine can be: NOCICEPTIVE/SOMATIC PAIN or NEUROPATHIC/RADICULAR PAIN
    • Any changes found in neural integrity testing will support that the referred pain is neural in origin
  • Neural Integrity - Motor Neurone Testing:
    • Upper motor neurone = refers to a motor neurone within the CNS, so the brain and spinal cord
    • Lower motor neurone = refers from the nerve root into the periphery