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  • Oliver Cromwellโ€จ
    โ€œLord Protector.โ€ Ruled England 1653-1658 after the Civilย  War. Very unpopular.
  • Charles IIโ€จ
    Son of the executed Charles I. Argued with Parliamentย  about tax and religion.
  • James IIโ€จ
    Charles IIโ€™s younger brother. Catholic. Unpopular withย  Parliament because he was the wrong religion.
  • William III & Mary IIโ€จ
    James IIโ€™s daughter and her Dutch husband. Protestant.ย  Asked to replace the Catholic James
  • Anne Iโ€จ
    James IIโ€™s younger daughter. Protestant. First Monarch ofย  the United Kingdom.
  • George Iโ€จ
    German Protestant cousin, made monarch after Anne toย  avoid the throne going to a Catholic.
  • James Stuart
    โ€œThe Old Pretender.โ€ James IIโ€™s Catholic son.
  • Charles Stuartโ€จ
    โ€œThe Young Pretender.โ€ James IIโ€™s Catholic grandson
  • Who was George Washington?
    commander of the American Revolutionary Army and the first president of the USA (13 colonies)
  • How did Louis XVI (16th) rule?
    he ruled as an absolute monarch, keeping as much power as possible to himself
  • How did Napoleon Bonaparte become Emperor of the French?
    Napoleon was a very skilled general who defeated France's military rivals; with the help of political allies, he had himself crowned Emperor in 1804
  • Who was Toussaint Louverture?
    He was a former enslaves worker who led the fight for Haitian independence and became its first Governor-General