scientific paradigms

Cards (5)

  • paradigms
    a set of definitions of a given science; a framework of assumptions, principles and methods
    • kuhn - paradigms are essentially a set of norms or a kind of culture that scientists come to accept through socialisation
    • a science can't exist without a shared paradigm, and without one there is purely rival schools of thought
  • normal science
    kuhn - normal science involves problem-solving where paradigms provide the questions and a broad sense of the asnwers and scientists fill in the gaps
    • this is an advantage as scientists agree on the basics so are able to get on with the productive aspects of science
    • watkins - this contrasts with popper's view that falsification is what makes science unique
  • scientific revolutions
    not all puzzle-solving is successful and scientists find anomalies that contradict with their paradigms, which means they lose confidence in that paradigm
    • this places science in crisis as it loses its previously taken-for-granted foundations and causes arguments and efforts to reformulate the paradigm
    • rival paradigms are created which kuhn suggests can't be compared to one another, so neither will accept criticism or accept that they are wrong
  • post-scientific revolution
    eventually a new paradigm wins out over the others and is accepted by the scientific community, so the practice can resume with a different set of norms
    • kuhn - this is an irrational process similar to religious conversion and generally gains support from younger scientists first because they have less to lose from the change
    • contrasts with popper's view that the scientific community is open and rational
  • implications for sociology
    sociology is currently pre-paradigmatic and so pre-scientific as there is no common perspective or methodology, and can only become one if these disagreements are concluded
    • there are doubts about whether this is even possible as even political differences prevent this, which will continue to exist
    • there are even disagreements within different perspectives eg. liberal v radical feminism
    • postmodernists suggest paradigms aren't desirable in sociology because they resemble meta-narratives