Cell solutions to surface area to volume ration

Cards (6)

  • Avoidance (stay small)

    allow most efficient import/export possible
    small size maximizes the surface area to volume ratio
  • Elongonate
    increases the surface area
    e.g. red blood cell
  • Fold surface membrane
    Increases surface area
    extends surface area of a cell into folds
    e.g. amoeba
  • Hollow out centre of cell
    decreases the effective volume
    metabolic demands are therefore not as great
    e.g. mature plant cells
  • Improve transportation of nutrients within the cells
    moves nutrients rapidly away from the membrane
    concentration gradient can be maintained
    e.g. cyclosis in plant cells
  • Division of labour within cells
    cell can develop more efficient enzyme systems
    avoid possible conflicts between chemical processes
    e.g. partitioning areas of cytoplasm to specialize in one function in eukaryotic cells