
Cards (18)

  • Gouty arthritis
    Gout defect in metabolism uric acid deposited in joint which causes pain and joint problems Increased uric acid level in blood
  • Excretory structures in animals
    . Invertebrates - simple tubular forms
    . Vertebrates - complex tubular organs called kidneys
    . Unicellular organisms - contractile vacoule - collects and discharges wastes across cell membrane.
  • Excertory structures
    . Protonephridia or flame cells - In platyhelminthes( flatworms eg planaria) rotifers,some annelids and the cephalochordate Amphioxus
    . Nephridia - Earthworms and other annelida
    .Malphighian tubules - most of the insects including cockroach
    . Antennal glands or green glands- in crustacea like prawns
    . Kidneys in vertebrates evolved to be highly specialised organs
    Metanephric kidney - most advanced , present in adults reptiles,birds ,mammals.
  • Kidneys
    . Reddish brown, bean shaped
    . Situated between the levels of last thoracic ( T- 12) and third lumbar (L 3) vertebra
    . Close to the Dorsal inner wall of abdominal cavity Retroperotonial
    . Right kidney is slightly lower in position than the left kidney (Reason- Due to liver)
  • Renal artery
    Branch of descending aorta that supplies oxygenated blood to the kidney
  • Renal vein
    Tributor of inferior vena cava that collects deoxygenated blood from the kidney. Lowest urea content
  • Size of kidney 10-12 cm length, 5-7 cm width and 2-3 cm thicc
  • Weight of kidney 120-170g
  • Hilum
    Notch towards the centre of inner surface of the kidney through which the ureter, blood vessels and nerves enter
  • Pelvis
    Fine-shaped space where urine collects and then proceeds into the ureter
  • Zones of the kidney
    • Outer cortex
    • Inner medulla
  • Inner medulla
    • Medullary pyramids
    • Renal columns (columns of Bertini)
  • Medullary pyramids
    Conical masses that project into the calyces
  • Calyces
    Singular - calyx. Space where urine collects and then proceeds into the ureter
  • Renal columns (columns of Bertini)

    The cortex extends in between the medullary pyramid as renal columns
  • Functions of the kidney
    . Eliminate Nitrogenous waste ( like urea,uric acid,creatinine)
    . Water electrolyte balance (osmoregulation)
    . Acid- base balances (PH)
    .Hormones and enzymes- renin,erythropoietin and calcitrol ( vitamin deficiency D)
    . Removal of foreign substances and drugs
    . Maintain internal environment constant ( Homeostasis)
  • Ureter
    . 2 ducts carry urine from the kidney to urinary bladder by peristalstic contractions
    . Opens obliquely into the bladder to prevent back flow of urine.
  • Urinary bladder
    . Pear shaped structure with thick muscular wall lined by transitional epithelium that allows expansion.
    . Thick layer of smooth muscles called Detrusor muscle
    . Bladder stores urine temporarily and expels it out at intervals through urethra ( 350- 500 ml)
    . It's opening is quadrapled by sphicter muscles called urethral sphincters .
    . External sphincter - voluntary ( skeletal muscle)
    . Internal sphincter - involuntary ( smooth muscle)