
Cards (4)

  • Technology
    Autonomous vehicles are vehicles capable of sensing their environment and operating without human involvement. A human passenger is not required to take control of the vehicle at any time, nor is a human passenger required to be present in the vehicle at all.
  • Technology
    Hybrid Electric Vehicle has the characteristics of both an electric vehicle and a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle and can be operated either on wall-plug electricity stored in a battery or from a liquid fuel (e.g., gasoline) obtained at a service station.
  • Contactless technology
    The trend for a contactless passenger experience has been underway for a number of years already, but the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly accelerated the adoption of contactless technology, in order to minimize the spread of viruses and reduce the interaction between passengers and staff. In the coming year, there is an even wider utilization of the technology throughout the entire journey ­– from payment to check-in, boarding, and security processes.
    E.g. smart cards/beep card, Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID), Biometric boarding, contactless check-in
  • Trends of Green Transportation:
    • Focused on safe, efficient, accessible, affordable, inclusive, green, and healthy mobility and transport.
    • The goal is to integrate transport, health, and environmental objectives into urban and spatial planning policies.
    • Encourage shift from private to public transport, especially in mass transport.