A method of qualitative research linked to content analysis, which involves analysing text in a variety of media to identify the patterns within it. A coding system may be needed sort the data and to help to identify patterns.
Pairs of pps are matched in terms of variables relevant to the study. One member of each pair takes part in Condition A of the experiment & the other takes part in Condition B.
Any cue from the researcher or from the research situation that may be interpreted by pp as revealing the purpose of the investigation which may lead to a pp changing their behaviour within the research situation.
Any effect of the investigator's behaviour, conscious or unconscious, on the DV (may include experiment design, selection of pp or interaction with pp).
Extent to which an observed effect is genuine - does it measure what it was supposed to measure, and can it be generalised beyond the research setting within it was found.
A method of assessing the reliability of a questionnaire or psychological test by assessing the same person on 2 separate occasions. This shows to what extent the test produces the same answers.
Extent to which there is an agreement between 2 or more observers involved in observing a behaviour. This is measured by correlating the observations of 2+ observers. A general rule is that if (total number of agreements)/(total number of observations) > +.8 = high inter-observer reliability.