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  • Philosophy
    The study of humans and the world by thinking and asking questions
  • Pythagoras: 'Philosophy means lovers of gain, lovers of honor and lovers of knowledge and wisdom'
  • Philosophy is the study of humans and the world by thinking and asking questions
  • Holistic thinking

    The ability to see things as a whole (or holistically), to understand and predict the many different types of relationships between the many elements in a complex system, and also perceive the whole picture through sensing its large-scale patterns
  • Partial thinking
    Focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial view is an important component of analytical thinking, as an individual that focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it
  • Siddhartha (Herman Hesse): 'When some is seeking.... It happens quite easy that he only sees the thing that he is seeking. That he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because he is only thinking of the thing, he is seeking, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed with his goal'
  • Roque Ferriols (Filipino philosopher): 'Like all activities, philosophizing is something which is easier to do than to define'
  • Method
    A careful or organized way of doing something
  • Philosophizing
    A process of thinking or expressing oneself in a philosophical manner
  • Inductive Reasoning
    Moves from specific premises to a general conclusion
  • Deductive Reasoning

    Moves from general premises to a more specific conclusion
  • Alienation
    Withdrawal or separation from something
  • Individuals live in a fourfold condition of alienation: from God, from nature, from other people, and from our own "true" selves
  • Existentialism
    The importance of free individual choice regardless of the power of the people to influence desires, beliefs, and decisions
  • Phenomenology
    A careful inspection and description of phenomena or appearance
  • Phenomena can be defined as "observable events that occur in a natural or designed system"
  • Analytical Tradition

    Based on the belief that a statement is meaningful only if it's proven true or false through experimentation