Cards (75)

  • It is a type of music, literature or art characterized by specific form, content, and style.
  • Composed of literary works created within last decade by contemporary authors.

    21st Century Literature
  • It deals with current themes and issues.
    21st Century Literature
  • It reflects technological issue.
    21st Century Literature
  • The genres of 21st Century Literature are:
    Text tanaga
    SMS fiction or Texttula
    Noir fiction
    Sudden or flash fiction
    Creative nonfiction
    Science fiction
    Gay poetry
    Chick literature
    Eyewitness or trauma literature
    Migrant literature
    Doodle fiction
    Spoken Word Poetry
    Hyper poetry
    Illustrated novel
    Graphic novel
  • It is a poem using the mobile phone.
    Text Tanaga
  • It is patterned with tanaga.
    Text tanaga
  • It is composed of four rhyming lines with seven or eight syllables per line and so with its method, theme and subject.
  • It is a literary work originally written on cellular phone via text messaging.
    SMS Fiction or Text tula
  • Usually 70-100 words long due to character limitations.
    SMS fiction or Text tula
  • In this genre, so long as the brevity of 70-100 words is achieved, its fine.
    SMS fiction or Text tula
  • Noir fiction is a genre of crime fiction and film marked by moral ambiguity, fatalism, and cynicism.
  • There is more than one interpretation.
    Moral ambiguity
  • Deals with themes of fate and destiny.
  • Motivation by self-interest.
  • It is a narrative genre marked by brevity or word limit.
    Sudden or Flash Fiction
  • It requires not more than fifty words or fewer than a thousand words.
    Sudden or Flash Fiction
  • It is commonly associated with flash fiction, micro fiction, or pocket story.
    Sudden or Flash Fiction
  • It is a rich mix of flavors, ideas, and techniques, some being newly invented and others as old as writing itself.
    Creative nonfiction
  • Examples of creative nonfiction are essay, journal article, research paper, memoir, poem or reportage.
  • It can be personal or not.
    Creative nonfiction
  • A genre of speculative fiction dealing with imaginative concepts (futuristic science and tech, space travel, time travel, faster than light travel, parallel universe and extra terrestrial life).
    Science fiction
  • It explores potential consequences of scientific and other innovations.
    Science fiction
  • A literature of ideas.
    Science fiction
  • A type of poetry on gayness (Gay identity, culture, and experience).
    Gay poetry
  • A genre in fiction that caters to issues being experienced by women and often addresses issues of modern womanhood.
    Chick literature
  • Woman problems in humorous and lighthearted way.
    Chick literature
  • Some examples of issues of modern womanhood are:
    • romantic relationships,
    • female friendships,
    • matters in workplace
  • Different texts about profound sense of loss and extreme fear on individual/community level embedded in the memory, experience, setting and language of the characters, persona or narrator of text.
    Eyewitness or trauma literature
  • Associated with colonialism and its aftermath.
    Migrant literature
  • It is a literary work of people who voluntarily or involuntarily leave homeland for another country.
    Migrant literature
  • Literary presentation where author incorporates doodle writing and drawings, and handwritten graphics in place of traditional font.
    Doodle fiction
  • In this literary genre, the drawings enhance story and often add humor.
    Doodle fiction
  • Examples are Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Timmy Failure.
    Doodle fiction
  • It is read right to left unlike Western left to right.
  • A Japanese comic strip using storytelling.
  • Boy's manga
  • Girl's manga
  • Men's manga
  • Women's manga