Social definition

Cards (5)

  • The social definition of criminality is an act that is wrong against the community. The community will decide on whether that act is wrong and in most cases will lead to a punishment.
  • Social norms and values- what a community decides as wrong is often determined by establishing norms and values. An example is murder & theft which breaks norms in UK society.
  • Social construction- how crime is not a universal concept, it is shaped by cultural,social and historical factors. An example is that same sex marriages are legal in the UK but not in other countries.
  • Social harm- acts that are perceived to cause harm to individuals or society are more likely to be labelled as wrong. An example of the most harmful crimes are murder/assault with the least harmful being speeding.
  • Powerful influence- those in positions of authority within said community often have more influence over what is seen as wrong, therefore criminal. For example, people who make the law are usually male,white and have been brought up extremely privilaged.