Deviant behaviour

Cards (10)

  • Deviant behaviour is a violation (not following/ going against) of society's norms.
  • Norms- social expectations that guide behaviour in a society. For example, society expects us to say 'please' and 'thank you'.
  • Moral code- a set of principles and values that guide an individuals behaviour and decision-making. An example is the catholic religion, many Catholics follow certain moral codes.
  • Values- enduring beliefs and principles that guide individuals in determining what is desirable and morally acceptable. An example of values is loyalty and creativity.
  • Admired deviant behaviour- people admire deviant behaviour because it is different from the norm, an example is saving someone life while putting yours at risk.
  • Odd deviant behaviour- people who are different from the norm, but not in a criminal way. This could be owning 50 cats, acentric forms of behaviour and outlandish outfits.
  • Bad deviant behaviour- is a behaviour that is considered to be wrong by society. Some forms of behaviour might include crimes of violence, theft, and sexual assault.
  • Deviant but not a crime- while most crimes are seen as deviant, many deviant acts are not crimes. For example, having 50 cats is not criminal but is deviant.
  • Crime but not deviant- some deviant acts can become the norm and be accepted in society. For example, downloading illegal music is a crime but isn't deviant.
  • Crime and deviance changes over time- both crime and deviance is that both change over time. For example, homosexuality was deviant and criminal but changed in society over time.