et al. - 'and others' used in in-text citations where there are 3 or more authors
Comp. - Compiled or custom textbooks are created to support specific units
ed. - For the edition of a book
Ed. Or Eds. - When a book includes editors rather than authors
n.d. - For sources that do not have a date of publication, substitute 'n.d.' (no date) after the name of the author
nap - No page numbers
No - Use in your end text referencing when the resource incorporates a number that represents the accession, order, catalogue, number, etc.
p. or pp. - These are included in the in-text citation. If one page number is being referred to, use the abbreviation p. for page. If there are multiple pages use pp. to present pages
para. - For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number and, if available, preceded by the abbreviation 'para.'
Rev. ed. - Used in end-text referencing when item is identified as being a revised edition
Trans. - Name the translator or editor only in the end-text reference, immediately following the title. In the case of translated works, cite the title in its translated form, not in its original form
Vol or Vols. - Include in end-test referencing if books include volume information