Researchers predicted that the bizarre content of dreams would be different from the bizarre content of fantasies because of the activity associated with REM sleep
to assess the bizarreness in dreams and fantasies as a way of showing support for the activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming.
natural experiment. Using the self-report method.
comparing people’s experiences of dreams and fantasies
12 students on a biopsychology course at Harvard University. 2 males and 10 females (23 – 45 years).
writing materials for participants to record their experiences and a scale for measuring bizarreness of experiences.
1. Participants asked to keep a written journal
2. Record any and all dreams remembered (whether waking in the night or in the morning)
3. Record mental activity while awake if related to fantasising (something that pops into your head without having an obvious connection to what is happening at the time)
60 dreams and 60 fantasies (120 were selected for quantitative analysis) reports were selected from the sample based on length (no longer than five lines)
There are parallels in brain activity in REM sleep and the wake-sleep boundary where neither register external stimuli so that parts of the brain become sensorially disconnected and fire randomly