Behaviour is influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Therefore, all human behaviour occurs in a social context (even in the absence of others)
cognitive area
The mind works in a way similar to a computer: inputting, storing and retrieving data. The way in which the mind processes information influences our behaviour.
All that is psychological is first physiological. The mind resides in the brain and so all thoughts, feelings and behaviours have a biological cause, such as hormones, genetics, brain structure or neurochemicals.
biological 2
much behaviour has a genetic, hereditary basis and genes have evolved over a million years to adapt our physiology to our environment
Behaviour is an ongoing process that occurs throughout the lifespan and therefore people change and develop with age
individual differences
Every individual is genetically unique and this uniqueness is displayed through their behaviour. So everyone behaves differently.
psychodynamic assumption
Personality differences can be traced back to the way the earlyconflicts between desire and experience were handled and therefore childhood is a critical period in the development of our behaviour and personality.
behaviourist approach
All Behaviour is learnt from the environment and biological factors are insignificant in influencing how people behave.
behaviourist approach
All Behaviour is learnt from the environment and biological factors are insignificant in influencing how people behave.