
Cards (15)

  • Art
    The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power
  • Art
    A skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice
  • Arts
    A form of communication
  • Contemporary art
    Art produced at the present period, by artists who are living in the twenty-first century
  • Contemporary art
    • May combine elements of performance, painting, sculpture, dance, and many other media
    • Draws on the movements of modern art, including minimalism and assemblage art, to create dynamic pieces that aim to challenge the viewer and spark thought
    • Many contemporary artists use their work to comment on cultural and political issues, including race, human rights, economic inequality, and global conflict
  • Contemporary art refers to the practice of art from 1970s to the present
  • Contemporary arts mirror contemporary culture and society
  • 7 Major Contemporary Art Forms in the Philippines
    • Music
    • Literature
    • Theater
    • Film
    • Dance
    • Architecture, Designs and Allied Arts
    • Visual Arts
  • Music
    Art form that appeals to the sense of hearing, composed by combining notes into harmony
  • Literature
    Art form of language through the combined use of words, creating meaning and experience
  • Theater
    Art form of performance, where dramatic text is portrayed on stage by actors and actresses and enhanced by props, lights and sounds
  • Film
    Technological translation of theater, where special effects are utilized to enhance the storytelling
  • Dance
    Art of the human form, where the body is used, mobilized and choreographed in a specific time, form and space
  • Architecture, Designs and Allied Arts
    Structure that is meant to be used as shelter, where the art relies on the design and purpose of the structure
  • Visual arts
    Artwork, such as painting, photography, or sculpture, that appeals primarily to the visual sense and typically exists in permanent form