12 - Jesus as Risen from the Dead

Cards (6)

  • The Resurrection -
    • The resurrection is the greatest miracle and is what makes Jesus unique
    • Christians believe it is evidence that Jesus is God incarnate
    • On the Sunday morning Jesus' followers went to the tomb and found it empty
    • Jesus appeared to his disciples over the next 40 days
  • The Empty Tomb -
    • Mary Magdalene found the stone rolled away from the entrance of the tomb
    • She told Peter, he ran there and found the tomb empty
    • All he saw was the grave cloths in which the body had been wrapped
  • Jesus and Mary Magdalene -
    • Mary is the first witness to the risen Jesus, saying 'I have seen the Lord'
    • Two angels in the tomb asked her why she was crying
    • She turns around and meets Jesus, who she thought was the gardener
    • When he says her name she knows it is Jesus
  • Jesus and the Disciples -
    • Jesus appeared to the disciples in a locked room that Sunday evening
    • He showed them his wound as proof it was him
    • Thomas was absent and would not believe the others. A week later, Jesus appears to him and showed him the wounds in his hands and side
    • He appeared over the 40 days when he suddenly appears and disappeared, walks with them, and eats fish with them
  • The Ascension -
    • This is Jesus being taken up (ascending) to heaven after 40 days
    • Some Christians take it literally (his body actually went to heaven), others, as a symbol that the mission of Jesus had been completed
    • It marks a new chapter when Jesus sends the power of the Holy Spirit to continue his work on Earth
  • Jesus as Son and Giver of the Spirit -
    • The Resurrection and Ascension are evidence for Christians that Jesus is the Son of God. He is God in human form (God incarnate)
    • Jesus is the giver of the Holy Spirit. He is the presence of Jesus with his followers today. The Holy Spirit helps Christians follow the teachings of Jesus today