PRESUMPTIVE SIGNS – only mother can feel ( subjective ) - P Period absent (Amenorrhea)
- R Really tired (fatigue)
- E Enlarged breast ( 4months – colostrum )
- S Sore Breast (breast changes)
- S Skin changes, (melasma/ chloasma, striae gravidarum, linea negra)
- U Urination
- M Movement perceived (Quickening) 20th weeks
- E Emesis (Nausea and vomiting) 6-12 weeks ( normal )
- D Discharge increases (Leukorrhea) high amount of estrogen
Positive pregnancy test
Done at 42 days after LMP or 2 weeks after missed period, first urine voided in the morning
False positive pregnancy test
Early days after delivery or abortion
HCG secreting tumors usually of GIT
HCG injection for infertility treatment within the previous 30 days
C. POSITIVE - F Fetal movement felt by the doctor/nurse / midwife
- E Electronic device detect “heart tones”
- T The delivery of the baby
- U Ultrasound detects baby (TV) (TA)
- S See visible movements
False negative pregnancy test
Missed abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Too early pregnancy
Urine stored too long
Interfering medications
Returning of fetus when uterus is pushed with fingers
Braxton Hick's Contraction
Softening of cervix
Bluish color vulva, vagina, cervix
Chadwick's sign/JACQUEMIER'S Sign
Other signs
Chandeliers sign – pelvic inflammatory disease, tenderness of the cervix