R - Relaxation of organs, uterus, bladder and ureter
O - Ovulation
G - Gums problem
E - Embryo phase
S - Secretory phase
T -Thickening of cervical mucus
E - Endometrial tortusity
Rising basal body temp. (0.3-0.5°C)
Onset oflabor
Effects of progesterone
E - Endometrial growth
S - Secondary sex characteristics
T - Thinning of cervical mucus
R - Reduce bone absorption
O - Osteoporosis prevention
G - Gum bleeding
E - Epolisepetaxis (gum bleeding) Epistaxis (Nose bleeding)
N - Na sodium and water retention (edema)
Fetal Development
1. 4 weeks
2. 8 weeks
3. 12 weeks
4. 15 weeks
5. 16 weeks
6. 20 weeks
7. 24 weeks
8. 28 weeks
9. 32 weeks
10. 36 weeks
11. 40 weeks-term
4 weeks
Spinal cord, head, heart, eyes, 1 cm in length embryo (vital organs)
8 weeks
Facial Features, arms and legs, gestational sac by UTZ
12 weeks
Swallow, sex distinguish, kidney urine, placenta Fully formed, bone ossification, Babinski reflex, tooth buds, heartbeat is audible by Doppler
15 weeks
Braxton Hicks Contraction palse labor (amniocentesis), lanugo white fine downy hair, meconium in bowel, sex by UTZ
16 weeks
Vernix caseasa cheesy like, quickening. first movement of the baby, bone hardening, antibodies transfer (placenta and tetanus toxoid), brown Fat, FHB by Fethoscope, amniotic fluid urine
20 weeks
Ba: Lecithin: sphingomyelin
24 weeks
Capable for opening, pulmonary surfactant (high survival)
28 weeks
Normal ratio 2:1
32 weeks
Testicular descend, nails, retinal blood vessels, surfactant in amniotic Fluid. lung alveoli CNS is not fully develop (normal), skin is smooth, heart is fully functional, subcutaneous Fat, Moro reflex, iron and calcium storage
36 weeks
Sole creases, decrease lanugo, wake and sleep cycle
40 weeks-term
Actively kicking, sucking (ideal), birth position (voluntary movement)