types of discrimination

Cards (9)

  • abuse
    negative and harmful way of behaving towards another individual or a certain group of people
  • examples of abuse
    physical, emotional, sexual, financial or verbal abuse, bullying or socially excluding someone
  • direct discrimination
    intentionally putting someone at disadvantage or treating them unfairly based on their differences
  • indirect discrimination
    when policy, practice or rule applies to everybody but has detrimental effect on or disadvantages some people or a particular group
  • prejudice
    negative attitude or dislike of an individual or group, often based on ill-informed personal opinion about one of the aspects
  • stereotyping
    generalisations, often offensive and exaggerated, made about particular group of people, eg. all old people have dementia
  • labelling
    identifies people as members of a particular group, 'they are all the same'
  • bullying
    threatening, intimidating, humiliating or frightening others, repeated behaviour intended to physically or psychologically hurt
  • bullying is more like to occur where someone is in a position of power, manager, individual dependent on a care worker or relative