First assessment Re

Cards (47)

  • Suffering
    The physical, emotional, or spiritual pain experienced by individuals or communities
  • Suffering is seen as part of the human condition, stemming from the effects of sin and the fallen nature of the world
  • Consequences of Sin
    • Pain and suffering
    • Poor relationships with God
  • Pain and suffering
    • It affects our relationship with others
    • We cause others around us to suffer
  • Poor relationships with God
    • We end up listening to the wrong voices
    • We make decisions that appeal to the flesh
  • What do we do if we have sinned?
    1. Realise we have another chance
    2. Admit we have sinned
    3. Repent of the sin
  • The act of forgiving someone
    • Acknowledgement of the pain caused
    • Letting go of negative feelings and the desire to seek retaliation
    • Showing compassion
    • Moving on
    • Forgiveness
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
    The process of two previously alienated parties coming to peace with each other
  • Contrition
    The state of feeling remorseful and penitent
  • What happens during confession?
    You receive God's mercy and are reconciled to him and his church
  • Act of contrition
    It helps you think about what you've done and what you've failed to do. Also known as an examination of our conscience
  • What happens after the individual says the 'Act of Contrition'?
    They go in the box with the priest and confess their sins and say the act of contrition. After this, the priest will give you a duty/prayer and after it's been completed, your sins are forgiven
  • Mortal Sin
    Deliberate turning from God
  • Venial Sin
    Involves a less important matter and is committed with less self-awareness and wrong doing
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
    Where through the ministry of the priest, people make peace with or are reconciled with God and the Church
  • The life of a Christian is one of reconciliation with self, others and God
  • The holy spirit creates the desire and initiative for forgiveness for the individual in the reconciling community
  • The sacrament of reconciliation allows the healing of shame and sadness of sin, and the restoration of the individual to the right relationship with self, others and God
  • Three main types of suffering
    • Illness - Physical, Mental, emotional and spiritual
    • Injury - Physical harm inflicted on someone's body
    • Natural Disasters - Suffering from loss, injuries, ruined goods and properties caused by natural disasters
  • Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
    Provides an occasion for those who are sick or dying to express their faith in the resurrection of Christ and thus in their own resurrection
  • When the Christian Community celebrates the Sacrament of Anointing, it testifies to its faith that God is present in the midst of human suffering
  • Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and that they too will rise with him after death
  • Anointing of the sick
    A sacrament of faith, given to those who are struggling with illness, lying on their death bed, are in hospital, are about to go into surgery and so on. It consists of the Priest's Prayer and Anointing using oils
  • Matter
  • Form
    "N., I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
  • Ordinary Minister

    Bishop / Priest / Deacon
  • Extraordinary Minister
    In danger of death or extreme circumstances, anyone can baptize
  • Matter
    The acts of the penitent in contrition, confession, and the performance of satisfaction for sins
  • Form
    The action of the priest in pronouncing the prayer of absolution and saying the essential words, "I absolve you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
  • Ordinary Minister

    Bishop or Priest (Deacon is excluded because he is not consecrated for the priestly ministry.)
  • Matter
    Unleavened wheat bread and grape wine
  • Form
    "This is my body" and "This is the cup of my blood" (These are the essential "words of institution" of the Last Supper.)
  • Ordinary Minister

    Bishop or Priest (for consecration); Deacon (for distribution)
  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
    Those who are trained and officially delegated to distribute the Eucharistic (but not to consecrate)
  • Matter
    The Oil of Chrism and the laying on of hands
  • Form
    "N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
  • Ordinary Minister
    Bishop or Pastor of a parish at Easter
  • Extraordinary Minister

    Priest (with delegation of the bishop)
  • Matter
    A baptized male
  • Form
    The long, consecratory prayer of the ordination ceremony