Psychology deals with the description, explanation, prediction and control of behaviour. And the connection of human behaviour to the study of the self will provide explanations for a clearer, better understanding of the individual.
Psychology deals with the description, explanation, prediction and control of behaviour. And the connection of human behaviour to the study of the self will provide explanations for a clearer, betterunderstanding of the individual.
WILLIAM JAMES – Theory of Self
According to WILLIAM JAMES there are 2 parts of the self, which are:
Me and I self
What are the 2 parts of the self according to William JAMES?
Me self and I self
Me self is divided into 3: Material, Social, and Spiritual Self
Me self – also known as the empirical me; considered as a separate object.
Material self – consists of the things that belong to the person or entities that a person belongs to such as body, family, clothes, etc.
Social self – refers to who the person is in a particular situation.
SpiritualSelf – refers to the self that is more concrete when compared to the material and social selves
.I self – also known as the thinking self; it is the self that knows and recognizes who they are and what they have done.
In order to be considered a "I self" one must?
Recognizes and know who they are and what they have done
MURRAY BOWEN – Family Therapy and Systemic Therapy
What did Murray Bowen wrote?
Family Therapy and SystemicTherapy
Murray Bowen 2 selves are Globalself and Differentiatedself.
What are the 2 selves according to Murray Bowen?
Global and Differentiated self
Global self represents the over-all value that a person places upon himself.
Global self represents the over-allvalue that a person places upon himself.
Differentiatedself state that a balance should be maintained between “togetherness” and “individuality”. This has the ability to separate feelings and thoughts.
CARL ROGERS proposed the Person-centred Theory
2 types of self, according to CARL ROGERS:
Real and Ideal Self
Real self refers to all information and perception the person has about himself; answers the question “Who am I?”
Ideal self is the model version the person has of himself; this is what the person aims for himself to be; answers the question “Who do I want to be?”
Ideal self answers the question?
Who do I want to be?
There should be congruence between the real and ideal self.
DAVID LESTER – Multiple Selves theory. It suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
Multiple Selves theory suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
Multiple Selves theory suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
DW WINNICOTT proposed the True and False Selves
According to DW WINNICOTT , there are two selves which are?
True self and False self
True self – seen as creative, spontaneously experiencing each day; characterized by high levels of awareness. 2. False self – lacks spontaneity and is dead and empty; enables the person to form superficial but productive social relationships
True self – seen as creative, spontaneously experiencing each day; characterized by high levels of awareness.
False self – lacks spontaneity and is dead and empty; enables the person to form superficial but productive social relationships
Both should be present and functional for the advantage of person and society.
True and false selves be present and functional for the advantage of person and society.
AlberTBANDURA proposed the Social Cognitive Theory
According to Albert Bandura, a person can be seen as proactive and agentic.
The 4 features of Human Agency are:
Intentionality, Forethought, Self-reflectiveness, and Self-reactiveness
Intentionality is when a person has full awareness of his behaviour.
Forethought is when the person’s anticipates of likely outcomes of his behaviour.