Cards (43)

  • Psychology deals with the description, explanation, prediction and control of behaviour. And the connection of human behaviour to the study of the self will provide explanations for a clearer, better understanding of the individual.
  • Psychology deals with the description, explanation, prediction and control of behaviour. And the connection of human behaviour to the study of the self will provide explanations for a clearer, better understanding of the individual.
  • WILLIAM JAMES – Theory of Self
  • According to WILLIAM JAMES there are 2 parts of the self, which are:
    Me and I self
  • What are the 2 parts of the self according to William JAMES?
    Me self and I self
  • Me self is divided into 3: Material, Social, and Spiritual Self
  • Me self – also known as the empirical me; considered as a separate object.
  • Material self – consists of the things that belong to the person or entities that a person belongs to such as body, family, clothes, etc.
  • Social self – refers to who the person is in a particular situation.
  • Spiritual Self – refers to the self that is more concrete when compared to the material and social selves
  • .I self – also known as the thinking self; it is the self that knows and recognizes who they are and what they have done.
  • In order to be considered a "I self" one must?
    Recognizes and know who they are and what they have done
  • MURRAY BOWEN – Family Therapy and Systemic Therapy
  • What did Murray Bowen wrote?
    Family Therapy and Systemic Therapy
  • Murray Bowen 2 selves are Global self and Differentiated self.
  • What are the 2 selves according to Murray Bowen?
    Global and Differentiated self
  • Global self represents the over-all value that a person places upon himself.
  • Global self represents the over-all value that a person places upon himself.
  • Differentiated self state that a balance should be maintained between “togetherness” and “individuality”. This has the ability to separate feelings and thoughts.
  • CARL ROGERS proposed the Person-centred Theory
  • 2 types of self, according to CARL ROGERS:
    Real and Ideal Self
  • Real self refers to all information and perception the person has about himself; answers the question “Who am I?”
  • Ideal self is the model version the person has of himself; this is what the person aims for himself to be; answers the question “Who do I want to be?”
  • Ideal self answers the question?
    Who do I want to be?
  • There should be congruence between the real and ideal self.
  • DAVID LESTER – Multiple Selves theory. It suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
  • Multiple Selves theory suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
  • Multiple Selves theory suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self. However, a person should still make sense of the sometimes confusing and conflicting aspects of themselves and integrate them into a single, unified self.
  • DW WINNICOTT proposed the True and False Selves
  • According to DW WINNICOTT , there are two selves which are?
    True self and False self
  • True self – seen as creative, spontaneously experiencing each day; characterized by high levels of awareness. 2. False self – lacks spontaneity and is dead and empty; enables the person to form superficial but productive social relationships
  • True self – seen as creative, spontaneously experiencing each day; characterized by high levels of awareness.
  • False self – lacks spontaneity and is dead and empty; enables the person to form superficial but productive social relationships
  • Both should be present and functional for the advantage of person and society.
  • True and false selves be present and functional for the advantage of person and society.
  • AlberT BANDURA proposed the Social Cognitive Theory
  • According to Albert Bandura, a person can be seen as proactive and agentic.
  • The 4 features of Human Agency are:
    Intentionality, Forethought, Self-reflectiveness, and Self-reactiveness
  • Intentionality is when a person has full awareness of his behaviour.
  • Forethought is when the person’s anticipates of likely outcomes of his behaviour.