Aristotle's important contribution is his conclusion that inheritance involved the potential of producing certain characteristics rather than absolute production of characteristics themselves
Mendel's theories were not acknowledged during his lifetime, it was in the 20th century that the scientific community acknowledged the importance of his ideas
Karl Erich Correns, Hugo Marie de Vries, and Eric von Tschermak-Seysenegg rediscovered Mendel's principles of heredity and acknowledged mendel's contribution to modern genetics
Archibad E. Garrod applied Mendel's principles to identify the first human disease about genetics which is called "alkaptonuria", or the inborn errors of metabolism
A mathematical formula that describes the actions of genes in populations, enables geneticists to determine whether evolution is occurring in populations
Walter Stanborough Sutton's research demonstrated that chromosomes exist in pairs that are structurally similar and that sperm cell and egg cell have one pair of chromosomes
Sutton's work advanced genetics by identifying relationship between Mendel's laws of heredity and the role of the chromosome in Meiosis
2. Confirmed the Findings of Mendel, Bateson, and Sutton
3. Produced the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance which states that genes are the fundamental units of inheritance and are found on chromosomes, and that specific genes are found on specific chromosomes and are not always inherited together
Morgan asserted that the ability to quantify or numbers gene enables the researchers to predict accurately the distribution of specific traits and characteristics
Martha Cowles Chase and Alfred Day Hershey conducted experiment that provided a definitive proof that DNA was a genetic material, known as the "Waring Blender Experiment"
Oswald Theodore Avery, Colin Munro Macleod, and Maclyn McCarty performed studies demonstrating that Griffith's transforming factor was DNA rather than simply a protein, confirming that DNA was the molecular basis for genetic information