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    • gender identity
      someones personal, internal sense of gender
    • Someone's biological sex is...
      whether they are male or female based on their biology and anatomy
    • Someone’s gender is...
      whether they are a man or a woman based on their appearance, behaviour and psychological traits.
    • androgyny
      having high levels of male and female behavioural and personality traits
    • In the 1970s, Sandra  Bem described people with high levels of both  masculine and feminine  traits as  androgynous .
    • The Bem Sex Role Inventory measures…
      how much people conform to sex-role stereotypes.
      how androgynous people are.
    • Three strengths of the BSRI are…
      •  it has high external reliability
      • it has low gender bias ( 50 men, 50 women)
      • it has high internal reliability (split-test)
    • Limitations of BSRI
      • people may interpret the scale in different ways
      • it may lack temporal validity
    • Flaherty and Dusek conducted a study showing that people who are  androgynous , according to the  BSRI , tend to have higher  emotional well-being  than those who are not androgynous.
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