Organisational Communication

Cards (12)

  • Organizational communication
    A process through which people construct, manage, and interpret behaviours and symbols (whether verbal or nonverbal), both intentionally and unintentionally, through interaction (mediated or direct), within and across particular organizational contexts
  • Organizational communication
    • Structure
    • Communication network
    • Links to external environment
  • Structure
    Patterned ways of doing things, set of procedures, relationships and practices that provides predictability for members of an organization so that they understand roles, procedures, and any expectations and so that work gets done
  • Communication network
    Formal and informal links between people, including social, task, ad hoc, and virtual networks
  • Links to external environment
    An organization's operation cannot be understood simply by looking only within organization, we must look at outside of the organization to grasp how its related to and affected by its context
  • Organizational culture
    • Vocabularies
    • Stories
    • Rites & rituals
    • Structure
  • Vocabularies
    1. Hierarchical language - Distinguish levels of status among members
    2. Masculine language - Historically organization was dominated by men, several terms related to men was used such as top man, king maker etc.
  • Stories
    • Personal stories - How people see themselves and how we want to be seen by others
    2. Corporate stories - Stories that convey the values, style, and history of an organizations
    3. Collegial stories - Being told by co-workers about what to expect from whom
  • Rites
    • Rite of Passage - Used to mark membership in different levels or parts of organization
    2. Rites of Acknowledgement - Acknowledge a change in identity
    3. Rites of Integration - Affirm and enhance the sense of community
    4. Rites of Blame & Praise - Blaming rites and praising rites
    5. Renewal Rites - Help organization to manage change
    6. Conflict Resolution Rites - To deal with differences and discord
  • Rituals
    The forms of communication that occur regularly and that members of an organization perceive as similar and routine parts of organizational life, including personal, social, and task rituals
  • Structures
    • Roles - Responsibilities and behaviors that are expected of people because their specific position in an organization
    2. Rules - Patterned ways of interacting, including constitutive rules and regulative rules
    3. Policies - Formal statements of practices that reflect and upload the overall culture of an organization
    4. Communication networks - Formal and informal communication channels, including upward, downward, and horizontal communication
  • Guidelines for effective communication in organizations

    • Balance investments in work and the rest of your life
    2. Manage personal relationships on the job