Delves into the intricate interplay between psychological factors and physical health, emphasizing the impact of behavior and mental processes on bodily functions
Real and sometimes painful physical manifestations stemming from heightened physiological arousal triggered by psychological factors such as worry, stress, and anxiety
Treatment strategies often involve incorporating psychotherapeutic methods into patient care, recognizing the significance of addressing psychological factors alongside physical symptoms
Thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can induce physiological changes that impact health and well-being, highlighting the profound influence of psychological factors on physical health
Psychological conflicts can transform into bodily phenomena, with physical symptoms serving as secondary expressions of primary psychological conflicts
Explores the bio-psycho-social model of health and disease, seeking to uncover connections between physiological responses to stress and the development of various health problems, particularly cardiovascular diseases
Characterized by the manifestation of physical symptoms that have no identifiable organic cause, often representing symbolic expressions of internal conflicts
Involve impairment of bodily functions without corresponding pathological findings in organs or systems, often presenting as syndromes affecting different bodily systems
Organic diseases influenced by psychosocial factors in their onset and persistence, such as duodenal ulcer, asthma, atopic neurodermatitis, and high blood pressure
Type A behavior, characterized by hostility, competitiveness, and a high drive for success, showed a higher prevalence among cardiac patients
Type B behavior reflects a calmer lifestyle characterized by cooperation and composure
D-type personality, or distressed personality, is associated with negative affectivity, social inhibition, increased emotional distress, and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, independent of standard risk factors
Aims to reduce psychopathological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and hostility, while also addressing stress management to minimize its impact on the immune system
Focuses on promoting acceptance of the disease, disease awareness, emotional and social support, and fostering compliance with regimen measures
Targets both physiological and psychological factors to improve overall cardiovascular health and enhance patients' quality of life