Psychodynamic explanations

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    • Freud did not have a detailed theory of the criminal mind, but later psychodynamic theorists applied his ideas to crime
    • Psychodynamic theories suggest that early childhood relationships with parents can lead to offending behavior
    • has over 170 videos to help with qualifications, and Patreon supporters can access bonus resources
    • The video will cover everything needed to know about the link between psychodynamic theory and offending behavior
    • Id
      The pleasure principle that drives us to seek self-satisfaction regardless of consequences
    • Superego
      The morality principle that drives us to follow rules
    • Ego
      The reality principle that attempts to balance the id and superego
    • Superego development
      1. Guilt when performing bad behavior
      2. Pride when performing good behavior
    • Phallic psychosexual stage
      When the child is 3-6 years old and resolves the Oedipus or Electra complex
    • Underdeveloped superego
      • Child can't identify with same-sex parent, leading to inability to control impulses and criminal acts
    • Overdeveloped superego

      • Constant sense of guilt and need to punish oneself, potentially leading to committing crimes
    • Deviant superego

      • Oedipus complex resolved with identification with a criminal same-sex parent, leading to criminal morality
    • Defense mechanisms
      Unconscious mental processes that alter our conscious perception of the world and protect the ego from anxiety
    • Defense mechanisms
      • Denial
      • Displacement
      • Rationalization
    • Internal working model
      Blueprint for future relationships based on early attachment to mother
    • Maternal deprivation
      Prolonged periods without receiving mother's care and affection, leading to affectionless psychopathy
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