REBT - Ellis's Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

    Cards (6)

    • REBT extends the ABC model to an ABCDE model
      • D stands for dispute
      • E stands for effect
    • The central technique of REBT is to identify and dispute (challenge) irrational thoughts
    • Ellis stated that we need to focus on individual's beliefs to understand why they are depressed
      • The core irrational beliefs of depressed individuals are typically inflexible, dogmatic and extreme
      • Contain words such as 'must', 'should', 'have to' etc
    • REBT:
      • Initially, the therapist challenges the patient's thoughts and beliefs
      • However, the emphasis is on training the patient to challenge and dispute their own irrational thoughts and beliefs - Ellis identified different methods of disputing
    • REBT: Ellis identified different methods of disputing
      Empirical argument - Disputing whether there is actual evidence to support the negative belief
    • REBT: Ellis identified different methods of disputing
      Logical argument - Disputing whether the negative thought logically follows from the facts
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