Cards (8)

  • point :)
    PET scans were used as a research method
  • evidence :)
    Raine injected participants with a FDG tracer, and then used a PET scan to take 10mm horizontal slices of images of the brain. He found some significant differences in brain activity between the NGRI and control group.
  • explain :)
    PET is a highly reliable brain imaging technique that produces objective and replicable results, and can be tested and re-tested.
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    with such a highly scientific method being used, Raine's research has scientific status and can be trusted over less scientific methods where results cannot be quantified.
  • point :(
    with the method used, it is not possible to fully state a cause-and-effect relationship
  • explain :(
    as Raine emphasised, the findings don't show that violence is determined by biology alone, as other factors, such as psychological, can influence violence.
  • example :(
    some of the NGRI participants may have developed their brain dysfunction as an effect of the violence, due to the stress of the imprisonment, and arrest, etc.
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    therefore, although the methodology does go some way at hinting at a relationship between areas of the brain and aggression, further research with NGRI participants would need to be carried out.