After Exam 3

Cards (56)

  • Implicit Association Test (IAT)

    A way of exploring the instant connection the brain draws between races and traits
  • IAT
    • Co-created by Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard University
  • When people see a member of a different race
    The first part of the brain that reacts is the Amygdala, which processes alarm and fear
  • After the Amygdala reacts
    Two higher brain regions (Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortex) may kick in, sensing no danger and cancelling the alert
  • The notion of neglect and neglect setting social and political climate where race is no longer an appropriate discussion for policy analysis
  • The 4 P's
    If you can control the African Mind, you can control the African Beehive
  • Overseer
    • Seasons the Oncoming slaves so they are useful and compliant
    • Transforms Africans to Negroes
  • Deculturalization
    • The systematic stripping away of the intended victim's ancestral culture and then structurally replacing it with European realities
    • African Americans are quietly taught to feel ashamed of Africa so they will reject their African ancestral links
    • Taught in schools who to admire and respect so they will adopt and practice experiences outside of their cosmological base exclusively and find a disproportionate amount of value in all things European
    • If they obediently submit to this indoctrination, they are awarded with opportunities to receive even more indoctrination
  • Mentacide
    The silent rape of a people's collective mind by the penetration and perpetuation of alien culture, values, belief systems, or ideas for the purpose of group destruction or political use of the victim group. Mentacide systematically utilizes the institutions which project images, values, beliefs and opinions… creating an illusion which the victim believes to be real until it's too late
  • If you don't understand white supremacy then your behavior will reflect on that
  • Materialistic Depression
    • The condition in which material goods or the lack of them serve as one's criteria for judging oneself and or others
    • Victims of materialistic depression seek the accumulation of money and status beyond their economic value
    • In some cases money and items of conspicuous consumption are practically revered, killed for or died because of
  • Anti-Self Disorder
    • Covert hostility toward the group of one's origin
    • Placing a disproportionate amount of value on all things European
    • Using the approval of the dominant white group as the main influence on their behavior
    • Susceptibility to manipulation by the dominant group to aid in the suppression and control of progress in the African American Community
  • Self Rejection Disorder
    The African person places a disproportionate amount of value on the culture, worldview and aesthetics of Europeans
  • Wade Nobels Ph.D.: 'Power is the ability to define reality and to have others respond to it as their reality'
  • Types of individuals
    • Non-Struggler
    • Reactive Struggler
    • Opportunistic Individual
    • Partially committed Struggler
    • Authentic struggler
  • The most effective forms for the Africana people are not the physical rather than the psychological
  • A person that's affected by one of the modality's have been suffered by a colonized mind
  • Metaracism
    • Now in modern times, racial distinctions themselves are anachronistic, and culture must choose a different to preserve it's inner plague
    • Meta racism allows the practice of racism by liberals
    • They don't live by the subject they don't shop by the subject but they always talk about the subject
  • Prejudice
    A negative attitude that rejects an entire group
  • Hate Crime
    A criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated in whole or in part by the offenders bias against a race, religion, ethnic/national group or sexual orientation
  • Ethnophaulimaulisms
    Ethnic slurs and derisive nicknames that seek to describe members of particular groups
  • Theories of Prejudice
    • Scapegoating Theory
    • Authoritarian Personality
    • Exploitation Theory
    • Normative Approach
  • Scapegoating Theory
    • Prejudiced people believe they are societies victims
    • Rather than accepting guilt for failure, the person transfers the responsibility for failure to a vulnerable group
  • Authoritarian Personality

    • Aggressiveness towards people who did not confirm to conventional norms of society
    • Uncritical acceptance of authority and a disproportionate concern with power and authority
  • Exploitation Theory
    • Racial prejudice is used to justify keeping a group in a subordinate position, such as a lower social class
    • Rationalized self-interest of the privileged
  • Normative Approach

    Prejudice is influenced by normative or situational factors
  • Nebligne and neglect
    Social and political climate where race is no longer an appropriate discussion for policy analysis
  • If you can control the African Mind
    You can control the African Beehive
  • Overseer
    • Seasons the Oncoming slaves so they are useful and compliant
    • Transforms African to Negro
  • Deculturalization
    Leads to deracination
  • Deculturization
    1. The systematic stripping away of the intended victim's ancestral culture and then structurally replacing it with European realities
    2. African Americans are quietly taught to feel ashamed of Africa so they will reject their African ancestral links
    3. Taught in schools who to admire and respect so they will adopt and practice experiences outside of their cosmological base exclusively and find a disproportionate amount of value in all things European
    4. If they obediently submit to this indoctrination, they are awarded with opportunities to receive even more indoctrination
  • Mentacide
    The silent rape of a people's collective mind by the penetration and perpetuation of alien culture, values, belief systems, or ideas for the purpose of group destruction or political use of the victim group. Mentacide systematically utilizes the institutions which project images, values, beliefs and opinions… creating an illusion which the victim believes to be real until it's too late
  • If you don't understand white supremacy then your behavior will reflect on that
  • Materialistic Depression
    • The condition in which material goods or the lack of them serve as one's criteria for judging oneself and or others
    • Victims of materialistic depression seek the accumulation of money and status beyond their economic value
    • In some cases money and items of conspicuous consumption are practically revered, killed for or died because of
  • Anti-Self Disorder
    • Covert hostility toward the group of one's origin
    • Placing a disproportionate amount of value on all things European
    • Using the approval of the dominant white group as the main influence on their behavior
    • Susceptibility to manipulation by the dominant group to aid in the suppression and control of progress in the African American Community
  • Self Rejection Disorder
    The African person places a disproportionate amount of value on the culture, worldview and aesthetics of Europeans
  • Wade Nobels Ph.D.: 'Power is the ability to define reality and to have others respond to it as their reality'
  • Types of individuals
    • Non-Struggler
    • Reactive Struggler
    • Opportunistic Individual
    • Partially committed Struggler
    • Authentic struggler
  • The most effective forms for the Africana people are not the physical rather than the psychological
  • A person that's affected by one of the modality's have been suffered by a colonized mind