Genetically based, malformations can be caused by :
(1) Abnormalities of chromosomal division (2) Mutations of genes
Chromosomal abnormalities are usually classified as ___ & ___?
Structural or Numerical Errors
When do chromosomal abnormalities arise?
It is the failure of chromosomes to separate properly during the process of cell division. This can result in an uneven distribution of chromosomes into the daughter cells.

It is defined as a total number of chromosomes other than the normal 46.
Type of Aneuploidy which an organism is MISSING ONE COPY of a particular chromosome, resulting in a TOTAL CHROMOSOME that is ONE LESS than the typical DIPLOID number.

Example of Monosomy where females are born with only one X chromosome instead of the typical two. This is not TYPICALLY INHERITED and often occurs SPORADICALLY through NONDISJUNCTION

Turner Syndrome (45, X)
It causes the loss of one X chromosome in the formation of either the egg or the sperm.

Having Turner Syndrome will lead to?
Short Stature, Webbed Neck, and Infertility
It is the specific chromosomal makeup.

It is a type of Aneuploidy wherein an organism has an ADDITIONAL COPY of a particular chromosome resulting in a total chromosome count that is ONE MORE than the typical DIPLOID number.

It is the other term for Down Syndrome.

Trisomy 21
Individuals with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the USUAL two (47, XY +21 / 47, XX + 21)
Down Syndrome
What happens in Down Syndrome cases?
95 % of the cases result from NONDISJUNCTION during the FORMATION of the EGG/SPERM, and this error leads to an extra chromosome 21 in the resulting embryo.
What is the result of this EXTRA GENETIC MATERIAL to the individual with Down Syndrome?

Characteristic Physical Features and Intellectual Disabilities