Cards (4)

  • Media
    how media portrays addictive behaviour may influence addictive behaviour
    may glamourize addictive behaviour and frequently show people engaging, which influences others to be attracted to it
  • Media
    Gnasekera et al ('05)
    analysed 87 of the top 200 movies in the last 20 years using content analysis
    addiction portrayed positively and without negative consequences
    tobacco, alcohol and drug use
  • Media
    drug references in rap, 11% in 1979 to 69% in 1997, by Herd 08
    movie - Oceans 13, glamourised gambling
  • Media - Social Learning Theory
    applied to explain how media influences people
    new behaviours learnt through observation and imitation
    TV/ film/ music, people they look up to
    watch them engage in behaviour > more likely to imitate for similar result
    if person rewarded for behaviour, more likely to imitate, vr