Timeline of Observations

Cards (28)

  • Sight one happening in the EARLY OBSERVATIONS.
    Successful DOMESTICATION of animals and CULTIVATION of PLANTS thousands of years AGO by ARTIFICIAL SELECTION of genetic variants from WILD POPULATIONS.
  • Who argued that active "humors" in various parts of the body served as the bearers of hereditary traits?
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Humors can be drawn from various parts of the MALE body to the SEMEN and PASSED onto OFFSPRING.

  • TRUE OR FALSE. Humors could be healthy or diseased.
  • ___ can be ALTERED in individuals before they were passed on to offspring, explaining HOW NEWBORNS could "INHERIT" traits that their parents had "ACQUIRED" in response to their ENVIRONMENT.
  • Who extended Hippocrates' thinking and proposed that the MALE SEMEN contained "vital heat" with the capacity to produce offspring of the SAME FORM (basic structure and capacities) as the PARENT.
  • Aristotle believed that this "___" cooked and shaped the menstrual blood produced by the female, which was the "physical substance" that gave rise to an OFFSPRING.

  • Who were involved in the Golden Age of GREEK CULTURE?

    Hippocrates and Aristotle
  • The Dawn of Modern Biology took place on?
  • When and who studied REPRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT as well as proposed the THEORY OF EPIGENESIS, which states that an organism develops from the fertilized egg by a succession of developmental events that eventually transform the egg into an ADULT.
    1600s, William Harvey
  • ____ & ____ proposed the Cell Theory, stating that all organisms are composed of BASIC STRUCTURAL units called cells, which are derived from preexisting cells.

    Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann on 1830
  • In what era, does the revolutionary work of Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel SET the STAGE for the rapid development of genetics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries?
    In the mid 1800s
  • In PREFORMATION THEORY, ___ states that all the traits of an organism were already PRE-EXISTING, FULLY FORMED, and MINIATURE versions of themselves within either the egg or the sperm.
  • This theory posited that these preformed structures simply expanded or unfolded during development.
    The Preformation Theory
  • What are the variations of the preformation theory?
    Ovist and Spermist View
  • This view proposed that ALL LIVING organisms were preformed in the egg (ovum).
    Ovist view
  • This view ARGUED that the preformed being was contained within the sperm.
    Spermist View
  • What are the reasons why preformation was debunked and EVENTUALLY REPLACED by the theory of EPIGENESIS?
    (1) Lack of Observed Evidence (2) Failure to explain variations (3) Lack of a plausible mechanism
  • In 1839, who studied plant slides?

    Matthias Schleiden
  • In 1839, who studied animal slides?

    Theodor Schwann
  • What are the THREE CELL THEORIES?

    (1) All living organisms are composed of cells. (2) The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. (3) All cells come from pre-existing cells (BIOGENESIS)
  • Who wrote Origin of Species in 1859?
    Charles Darwin
  • He presented an explanation of the mechanism of evolutionary change, on HOW ORGANISMS SLOWLY CHANGE through time.

    Charles Darwin
  • Natural selection is commonly termed as ____, in which organisms with favorable characteristics are most likely to SURVIVE and CONTINUE to reproduce.
    Survival of the Fittest
  • He LACKED an UNDERSTANDING of the genetic basis of variation and inheritance, a gap that LEFT his THEORY open to reasonable criticism well into the 20th century.

    Charles Darwin
  • Darwin formulated his ideas about ____ without knowledge of Mendel's thoroughly detailed propositions about the MECHANISMS involved. Those propositions continue to INFORM the field of BIOLOGICAL INHERITANCE in the 21st century.

  • He published a paper in 1866 showing how traits were passed from GENERATION to GENERATION in PEA PLANTS and offering a general model of how traits are inherited.

    Gregor Johann Mendel
  • His work forms the FOUNDATION for GENETICS, which is defined as the branch of biology concerned with the study of heredity and variation.

    Gregor Johann Mendel