
Cards (7)

  • Rights
    Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that apply to everyone. They were set out by the United Nations after the Second World War and are enshrined in the Human Rights Act (1998) and the Equality Act (2010).
  • Protected Characteristics
    These were introduced by the Equality Act (2010) as characteristics that must not be used as a basis for discrimination: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation.
  • Diversity
    Aims to respect and value people’s differences and to promote inclusion so that everyone is able to make a contribution.
  • Positive Action
    Taking steps to support those with protected characteristics to overcome barriers to participation so they have the same chances as everyone else.
  • Equality
    Is built on two core principles: equal treatment and equal opportunity. Treating people equally means that people should not experience discrimination on the basis of who they are or where they were born, what they believe or whether they have a disability. Every individual should have an equal opportunity to make the most of their life and talents.
  • Discrimination
    When a person is treated differently on the basis of a personal characteristic, e.g. race, gender, religion, having a disability. Discrimination can be direct or indirect.
  • Harassment
    Behaviour that intends to violate the dignity of a person with a protected characteristic or that intends to intimidate or offend them.