Used particularly for nervous system development - only has 320 neurons
Also fate mapping the WHOLE of development as very single cell could be tracked
Why are C. elegans a good model?
Small and transparent
Easy to cultivate, grow on agar plates with bacteria for food
Have a short life cycle (egg to adult is 3 days)
40% of genes implicated in human disease have orthologues in worms, very similar
Drosophila as a model organism discoveries
Good for genetics
Found that genes are located on chromosmes, chromosomal inheritance specifies gender, how genetic material exchange exposure to X-rays can cause mutations
Important for body patterning, stem cell biology and reproductive biology advancement
Advantages of Drosophila
- Simple genome, only four chromosomes
- Very inexpensive
- Quick breeding, generation times are very short
Disadvantages of Drosophila
- invertebrates
- lack blood vessels
- don't generate antibodies to fight disease (so not useful for immunology)
Zebrafish advantages
- Vertebrates
- 70% of human genes have a zebrafish counterpart
- 84% of known disease-causing genes have a orthologue in zebrafish
- the female fish spawn eggs that are externally fertillised, so embryonic development occurs externally and is easily accessed visually
- rapid embryonic development
- can induce mutations by adding substances to the water
Zebrafish research advances
Research focuses on neuronal development, body patterning (the role of specific genes during embryogenesis), cardiac development, muscle development, sleep, regeneration and cancer
X laevis
African clawed frog
Lives in fresh water
X. laevis advantages
Most essential cellular and molecular mechanisms are highly conserved
Frog early research
Urine of pregnant women were injected into female frogs, and frogs laid eggs due to presence of hormones
It was the fastest and most reliable pregnancy test in the 1960s.
X laevis reseach advances
Ovarian biology
Neurobiology (vertebrate, siplar brain circuitry)
Eye and vision research
Heart development
Chick research advantages
Incubation period of only 21 days
Human and chicks have highly similar stages of development, the fundamentals of early embryogenesis is learned from the chick
G gallus
Chick research focus
Early embryonic development
Body patterning
Reproductive biology
Mouse research advantages
They are mammals
Very similar to physiological systems of humans
They develop a range of similar diseases that affect these systems, and certain diseases not normally experimented by mice can be experimentally induced
Mouse research disadvantage
- Early acting mutant phenotypes difficult to study
- Embryonic manipulations are difficult
- Development and life cycle relatively slow (months)
- Relatively expensive to maintain
- Responses to therapeutics not always consistent with human
- Physiology of a SMALL animal
- Strict ethics
Why are sheep used as models sometimes?
For size similarity - used for things like foetal physiology, foetal respiratory, kidney development
Advantages of humans as model
Many diseases, 5000 genetically based
Self-reporting mutants
Some good family pedigrees
Genome sequence complete
Disadvantages of humans as models
No experimental access
Foetal material difficult to obtain
Long generation time
Are cells permanent?
Cells may be permanent, or they can be renewable. In renewable tissues, cells that die or are exported must be replaced.
E.g. skin is replaced every four weeks, hair constantly grows, nerve cells and heart tissue are not replacable
How are blood cells formed?
Through repeated cell divisions
Cell specialisation generates the many cell types, but many will die
Germ cell production
Formation byy spermatozoa is through repeated cell divisions, meiosis and morphogenic changes
There is a very high rate of cell date during spermatogensis - so that the best sperm cells possible are selected
What type of tissue does not regenerate well?
Cardiac muscle and nerves
Goal of the cell cycle
Produce two genetically identical cells from one precursor cell
Cell cycle sequence
G1 S G2 M
Several checkpoints exist that determine whether cells continue through the cycle or enter apoptosis
When cells (e.g. nerves) never leave G1 stage, it is called G0
Gap 1 (G1) Phase
First part of interphase, the longest
Cell functions normally
Protein and organelle synthesis occurs such that the cell doubles in size
Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases
Two key classes of regulatory molecules
They determine a cell's progress through the cell cycle
G1/S phase control
Cyclin D binds to CDK4, resulting in the transcription of genes including cyclin E
Cyclin E prepares the cell for S phase
The levels of TFs that promote the expression of the S-phase cyclins and DNA synthesis enzymes increase
Levels of the molecules involved in inhibition of entry into S phase are decreased
Synthesis (S) phase
DNA is replicated
Replication begins at many sites along the length of the chromosome
It is checked for any incorrect copying
S phase control
Active S cyclin-CDK complexes phosphorylate proteins that make up the pre-replication complexes on DNA replication origins
This is to ensure that each pre-replication complex is activated to initiate chromosomal replication and new complexes are prevented from forming
Gap 2 (G2) phase
Cell prepares for mitosis
Synthesis of components that ensure the survival and functionality of each daughter cell
Mitosis (M) phase
Myotin cyclin-CDK complexes are activated
They promote stimulation of proteins involved in chromatin condensation, mitotic spindle formation, degrade chromsomal structure proteins and procession through the stages of mitosis
Mitosis phases
Prophase - early
Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes
Prophase late
Nuclear envelope disappears, spinle appartus forms
Spindles attach to centromeres, chromosomes line up along the mid point between poles
Centromeres divide, creating two chromosomes
They are drawn to opposite poles of the cell
Cell elongates
Nuclear envelope reforms, furrow appears around the cell that will eventually pinch the cell into two new cells