
Cards (12)

  • suggest one advantage of the aircraft having fuel cells as well as the solar cells?
    Can fly at night
  • What can an unmanned aircraft be used for?
    map the earths surface
  • Why is no work done when a weight lifter lifts the weight and holds it above its head ?
    work is only done when a force makes an object move
  • What does a turbine turn?
    a genorator
  • what is the environmental impact of tides?
    destroys the habitat of wading birds in river estuaries
  • what are the evironmental impacts of hydroelectricity?
    floods land used for farming or forestry
  • Give one advantage of using a wind generator to charge a battery?
    wind may not always blow
  • What is the unit for weight?
  • How do you calculate a skankey diagram?
    1 count number of squares
    2 do useful energy/ total energy
  • Energy that is not usefully transformed by the fan heater is wasted as sound energy
  • suggest why skiers should be mad aware of the benefits of wearing a helmet?

    so more are likely to wear one
  • give a reason why doubling the diameter of the blades more than doubles the power output of a turbine?
    mass of air hitting blades more than doubles