The transfer of heat from one place to another due to a temperature-difference driving force and the heat flows from the high- to low-temperature region
Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
Deals with systems in equilibrium and predicts the amount of energy required to change a system from one state to another
Heat Transfer
Deals with systems in non-equilibrium and is used to predict how fast the energy is transferred, supplements the 1st and 2nd principles of thermodynamics
Heat is an energy transfer across a system boundary due to the temperature different between a system and its surrounding
1. Heat can be conducted through solids, liquids and gases
2. Heat is conducted by the transfer of energy of motion between adjacent molecules
3. Transfer is affected by the ability of the touchingobjects to conduct heat
Thermal conductivity, k
A physical property that indicates how fast the heat will flow in a given material, expressed as W m-2 K-1
Conduction also arises from the movement of free electrons in the metals which accounts for the high thermal conductivities
In fluids, conduction occurs as a result of the kinetic energy transfer between one molecule to another
1. Heat transfer rate = k * A * (T1 - T2) / L
2. Heat flows from high temperature to low temperature region
Fourier's Law
The driving force of heat transfer by conduction is the temperature gradient
Thermal conductivity, k, is a physical property that indicates how fast the heat will flow in a given material
Thermal conductivity of gases
If temperature is higher, the molecules have higher velocities and will collide with one another, exchanging energy and momentum
Thermal conductivity of liquids and solids
Molecules are more closely spaced, exchanging energy through collision process
1. Transfer of heat between an object and fluid (surface to fluid)
2. Transfer of heat by bulk transport and mixing of warmer and cooler portions in a gas or liquid
Transfer is affected by the speed of the fluid and the ability of the object to conduct heat
Depends on the viscosity and thermal properties of the fluid
Convective heat transfer
1. q_cv = h_cv * A * (T_w - T_f)
2. Heat transfer rate depends on convective heat transfer coefficient, area, and temperature difference between wall and fluid
Types of Convection
Forced convection
Natural (free) convection
Shell and tube heat exchanger is an example of heat transfer application in unit operation
Heat transfer rate by conduction
Thermal conductivity [W m-1 K-1]
Heat transfer area [m2]
Temperature gradient
Heat transfer rate by convection
Convective heat transfer coefficient
Wall temperature
Fluid temperature
Heat transfer rate by radiation
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Surface area 1
Temperature of surface 1
Temperature of surface 2
Heat Balance
Rate of heat in + Rate of generation heat = Rate of heat out + Rate of accumulation of heat