Cards (24)

  • every organization has its regulation and this regulation are communicated to all member in various ways
    Control or Regulation
  • to control behavior
    Control or Regulation
  • ex: A teacher may require a student to turn off their cell phones.
    Control or Regulation
  • ex: A small organization such as a family has its house rules which every member has to follow.
    Control or Regulation
  • ex: He has to talk to the driver of the jeepney or bus, if not to the LRT or MRT tickening clerk. 
    Social Interaction
  • ex: A students has to talk with his parents regarding his allowance and school requirements. 
    Social Interaction
  • allows individuals to interact with others because of the needs to interact daily
    Social Interaction
  • communication motivates or encourage people to live better
  • types of motivation
    external, internal
  • Example: A student is motivated to study hard because of his desires to graduate with honors.
    Internal Motivation
  • comes from within, something personal
    Internal Motivation
  • from people surrounding him > reward system > consequence system

    External Motivation
  • Example: A student is motivated to study hard because of his father's promise to give him an expensive car once he graduates with honors. 
    External Motivation
  • facilitates people expression of their feelings and emotions
    Emotional Expression
  • Example: As he informs his loved ones, he may show fear because their house is not a safe place to stay when there is a supertyphoon. 
    Emotional Expression
  • Example: A new policy to be implemented school- wide has to be made known to all members before its implementation. 
    Information Dissemination
  • to convey information
    Information Dissemination
  • The school administration must tell all students enrolled in board courses such accountacy and engineering, specifically the grades that they have to earn for them to be retained. 
    Information Dissemination
  • He may show love or concern as he informs them for them to get ready for the calamity. 
    Emotional Expression
  • A failing student may continue pursuing his chosen career path the moment he hears words of encouragement from the school's guidance counselor. 
    motivation (external)
  • A breast cancer patient may desire to live longer after he hears words of hope from his loved ones
    motivation (external)
  • In school, it is invetivable for him not to coverse with his teachers, classmates, schoolmates, school employess and officials
    social Interaction
  • A dean may oblige the faculty members to attend a seminar-workshop
    control or regulation
  • In the school setting, a security officer may hinder a student or a school visitor from entering. 
    control or regulation