Does not correct a mistake or misconduct, but aims to help clients adjust in life
An interactive and learning process
Counseling is a learningprocess in which individuals learn about themselves, their interpersonal relationships, and behaviors that advance their personal development (Shertzer and Stone 1976).
Counseling as a learning process
Improveknowledge about one's self
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Evaluate one's capabilities
Counseling as a learning process
Increase adaptive behavior and decrease maladaptive behavior (Dustin and George, 1973)
Counseling as an interactive process
Counselling is an interactive process conjoining the counsellee who needs assistance and the counsellor who is trained and educated to give this assistance. (Perez 1965)
Counseling as an interactive process
Counseling is a relational and interactiveprocess because its success does not depend on the counselor or the client alone, but both have to worktogether to achieve progress and healing
Counseling offers healing and a path to the solution of one's dilemma
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Both can helppeople with problems in living such as grief, stress, and relationship problems, but psychotherapists are more equipped to deal with severe psychological disorders
The maingoal or purpose of counseling is to achieve a betterunderstanding of oneself
Counseling is a learningprocess, wherein through the guidance of a counselor, the client learns more about himself or herself, his or her responses to the environment, and ways of becoming a more productive member of the society
As an interactive process, counseling aims to establish a safe space for the client, and through the interaction, the client becomes more self-aware, learns either acceptance or problem-solving, and achieves new and more effectiveways of coping
Counseling and psychotherapy
Use similartechniques and approaches, but they are different in the severity of problems that they are equipped to deal with