Knowing truly the good means doing the good habitually, true knowledge is practical, man's ultimate perfection and happiness consist of wisdom and virtue
Aristotle: 'Knowing truly the good means doing the good habitually.'
True knowledge
Practical. Man's ultimate perfection and happiness consist of wisdom and virtue.
A good and happy life
A well-ordered one, guided by and lives in accordance with reason.
An unhappy life
A disordered life dominated by vices.
Human person
A composite substance and form which complement one another.
Rational soul of a person
Exists above the sentiment and nutritive souls, as it performs more complex actions such as thinking, imagining, speaking, feeling, etc.
Animals and plants
Must have soul but only a person can have a soul with rational qualities.
A rational person
Someone who can make logical conclusions and go through the usual mental process of assessing the benefits and drawbacks of a course of action or decision without being influenced by emotions.
Medieval philosophy
The "in-between time", refers to modern philosophers' inclination to move from Aristotle's philosophy to the Renaissance.
Supreme goal of human beings in medieval period
To contemplate God and follow his will. As a result, human nature would eventually conform to the natural law as a mandate of reason.