Cards (39)

  • world temp has increased by 1.1C since 1800s
  • IPCC says ocean rise by 12cm between 2081-2100
  • global warming increases meltwater discharge, increases river discharge, increases sediment in the river and reduces water quality
  • Global warming will melt glaciers and make HEP redundant
  • Global warming melts glaciers + tundra which are habitats for animals
  • glacial meltwater will disrupt the thermohaline circulation as it decreases the salinity of the ocean
  • global warming will cause water discharge to initially increase in the Ganges but it will then fall as the water dries out in the dry season
  • Global warming means that emperor penguins - who are ice loving - have to go further to find food and have less shelter - 83% decline in breeding pairs
  • Rising sea levels threaten to drown important coastal nesting sites for penguins
  • emperor penguins are facing extinction - they are part of the food chain - killer whales feed off them
  • emperor penguin’s population will decrease by 26% to 47% by 2050 - US fish and wildlife service
  • communities rely on 30% of their water coming from the Peruvian Andes
  • global warming causes a positive feedback cycle
  • global warming - glacial retreat - negative mass balance - increased sediment in rivers - decrease the carrying capacity - low flow rates - sudden flood burst
  • global warming - glacial melt - less freshwater available - holds 75% of world's freshwater - will melt into the saline ocean
  • global warming - glacial melt - change chemical composition of water - more nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus
  • 7 grizzly bears died one year in Yosemite after being hit by cars
  • Yosemite visitation has increased by 30%
  • Yosemite put in a central car park that aims to reduce noise pollution and congestion
  • Yosemite has increased their fees to $20
  • scale is hard to address in Yosemite as there are many access points
  • climate change is hard to manage because it is a context risk and requires a unitary response
  • Aletsch glacier has emerald trails that concentrates footpath erosion + has signs that educates walkers
  • Lindblad said you cannot protect what you don't know
  • Antarctic management
    cannot go within 5m of animals
    75% field team needs to have experience
    limited to a 100 tourists at a time
  • 2015 there was a ban of cruise ships in pristine landscapes
  • Kames are found in Gleann Emich
  • Denali national park in Alaska provides visitors with education
  • Zermatt
    locally sourced water
    car free - buses and taxis are electric
    eco-speed diesel to fuel piste bashers that release 11% less CO
  • extreme tourism has increased by 45%
  • do nothing - sustainable exploitation - sustainable management - comprehensive conservation
  • non-profit group environment America is campaigning to Congress to protect Alaska
  • there are refrigerated supports on the legs of the trans-Alaskan pipeline to prevent oil spills + reduces heat transfer that melts permafrost
  • WWF has set up nature reserves in Alaska e.g., Bristol bay - protects wildlife e.g., salmon but is a large area that is difficult to manage
  • movement to drill laterally from oil rigs in Alaska - more oil can drilled without lots of wells - reduces the amount of CO2 released from gas flaring - hard to implement
  • piste bashers in Zermatt release
    11% less CO compared to other resorts
  • Alestche glacier is still retreating but 

    this is at a slower rate compared to other alpine glaciers across the world
  • the alpine convention aims to introduce wildlife 

    corridors which helps reduce the risk to animals who may migrate because of climate change and glacial melt
  • Yosemite is in

    multiple economic use