
    Cards (45)

    • Multi Store Model

      Views human memory as a computer system (cognitive approach), Linear model, information is passed through the three stores through attention or rehearsal of it will decay
    • Stores in the Multi Store Model

      • Sensory register
      • Short term memory
      • Long term memory
    • Maintenance rehearsal

      Rehearsal to maintain information in short term memory
    • Elaborative rehearsal

      Rehearsal to encode information into long term memory
    • Sensory register

      • Receives environmental stimuli, attention is required to transfer to short term memory, information decays quickly (less than 0.5s)
    • Short term memory

      • Holds a limited amount of information (7 +/- 2 items), information is encoded acoustically, rehearsal is required to maintain information
    • Long term memory
      • Has a large capacity, information is encoded semantically, retrieval can be conscious or unconscious
    • Central executive

      Master system that controls attentional processes, monitors data and allocates slave systems, has limited capacity
    • Visuospatial sketchpad

      • Processes visual and spatial information, can handle 3-4 items at a time, has a visual cache and an inner scribe
    • Phonological loop
      Processes sound information, has a phonological store that holds sound information and an articulatory process that rehearses the information
    • Episodic buffer

      Integrates information from the other components and maintains a sense of time and sequence of events
    • Episodic memory

      Personal events and memories with time and emotion tags, unique to the individual
    • Semantic memory

      General knowledge and facts, not dependent on personal experience
    • Procedural memory

      Memory for skills and procedures, learned information is retrieved unconsciously/automatically
    • Short term memory capacity

      Jacobs' digit span test shows 7 +/- 2 items, Miller's chunking increases this to 7 +/- 2 chunks
    • Short term memory duration

      Peterson's studies show STM lasts around 18 seconds without rehearsal
    • Long term memory capacity is unlimited
    • Long term memory duration

      Bahrick's study shows 60-90% recall of names and faces over 15-48 years, demonstrating LTM can last a lifetime
    • Encoding in short term memory

      Acoustic encoding is better for STM, semantic encoding is better for LTM
    • Forgetting can be caused by proactive interference (old information disrupting new) or retroactive interference (new information disrupting old)
    • Serial position curve

      Primacy effect (first items recalled best) and recency effect (last items recalled best) are impacted by interference
    • Retrieval cues

      Contextual cues, state-dependent cues, and the encoding specificity principle can all aid retrieval
    • Conditions
      • The same
    • Abernethy (1940)

      Participants who were tested by the same teacher in the same room did better than participants who were tested in a different room with a different teacher
    • Both studies show that contextual cues are important for improved and effective recall
    • State Dependent Forgetting

      Canter + Cassady (1998) anti-histamine study, mild sedative effect and changes to internal physical state
    • State Dependent Forgetting

      1. Learn on Att - recall on Att
      2. Learn on Att - recall on no medication
      3. Learn on no medication - recall on no medication
      4. Learn on medication - recall on Att
    • Mismatch between internal state at recall and learning = worse performance
    • State Dependent Forgetting

      • Overton (1972) alcohol
      • Eich (1980) marijuana
    • Leading Questions

      Loftus - investigated the impact of eyewitness testimony
    • Leading Questions
      1. Students watched clips of car crashes
      2. Were asked how fast they were going when they: smashed, collided, bumped, hit, contacted
    • Students watched a car accident clip and were asked: did you see any broken glass when they smashed or hit? Smashed = 16 (yes) and 34 (no), Hit = 7 (yes) and 43 (no)
    • Post Event Discussion

      Contamination of information from other participants / media
    • Post Event Discussion

      Gabbert (2003) - two participants watch films, one has different information, then asked to discuss what they had watched
    • 71% mistakenly recalled information leading to memory conformity and a need for social approval
    • Post Event Discussion

      • Loftus + Pucknell (2003) - Disney hand study with fake adverts of Ariel and Bugs Bunny, 30% had seen these characters however it is impossible for the participants to have seen them
    • Anxiety and EWT
      When events are witnessed they create changes in the body - sweating, ↑ HR, adrenaline, worry and tension
    • Weapon Focus

      Loftus (1987) - tunnel theory, the perpetrator has a weapon, focus takes attention away from other aspects - poor EWT, Loftus monitored eye movement on it
    • Weapon Focus

      Johnson + Scott (1976): participants in a waiting room, person walks in with a pen, person walks in with a bloody knife, identify the man from 50 photos
    • Low anxiety - 49% connect, High anxiety - 33% connect
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