research methods

    Cards (115)

    • Range

      The difference between the highest value and the lowest value
    • Range
      • Overall spread of all data, easy to calculate, may not be representative if there are extremes at either end
    • Standard Deviation
      The spread of data around the mean and the relationship between scores
    • Standard Deviation

      • Representative, small SD's mean little variation in the scores, harder to calculate than the range
    • Mean
      Likely to be the most representative because all scores are used, harder to calculate than other data, can't be used on nominal data, can be affected by extreme scores
    • Mode
      Very easy to calculate, unaffected by extreme values, doesn't use all scores, can be multi-modal which is useless
    • Median
      Easier to calculate than the mean, unaffected by extreme values, less representative than the mean because it doesn't use all of the scores
    • Nominal data

      Data that is in categories for frequency data, people choosing their favourite foods
    • Nominal data

      • Most simple data, measures of central tendency are not appropriate, only percentages or proportions
    • Interval data

      Continuous data along a set scale with exact and equal intervals, time, cm
    • Interval data

      • The best type of data for analysis, all calculations are suitable
    • Ordinal data

      Continuous data along a scale, ranked responses favourite to least favourite
    • Ordinal data

      • Mean, median, mode standard deviation and range
    • Empirical Method

      Gaining data and information through direct observations, testing or experiments, rather than just thoughts and ideas
    • Empirical Method
      • Falsifiability: theories should generate testable predictions that can be proved wrong, the process and data must be objective so that it can be tested
    • Paradigms
      A paradigm is a shared set of assumptions about the content and methods of a discipline, a paradigm shift occurs when the dominant paradigm is replaced
    • Paradigm shift

      • Stimulus-response learning was replaced with social learning theory
    • Objectivity
      When data is collected and interpreted free from any bias through using empirical methods
    • Reputability
      To test the reliability of findings, research must be replicated exactly to ensure that the results will be the same or there could be a flawed process
    • Hypothesis Testing
      Theories seek to explain observations and enable predictions to be made (hypothesis), once it has been accepted or rejected, the theory can be refined with the results
    • Qualitative data

      Expressed in words, thoughts, opinions, subjective, can be coded into numerical data
    • Qualitative data

      • Rich, detailed data, higher external validity, difficult to analyse or compare, can be subject to bias
    • Quantitative data

      Expressed in numbers, objective numerical data, can be easily analysed as it is with statistical tests
    • Quantitative data
      • Comparisons and inferences can be made, less subject to bias, may not reflect real life, ignores important qualitative aspects
    • Primary data
      Information obtained first hand by the researcher for the purpose of their experiment, study
    • Primary data

      • Specific to research, control over data collection, time consuming to collect, design and analyse the relevant data
    • Secondary data

      Data that already exists but is beneficial to the current study hypothesis
    • Secondary data
      • Inexpensive, quick, requires minimal effort for the researcher, differing methodologies, open to bias, may not be completely relevant or current
    • Naturalistic observations
      • Take place in the real or controlled world where the behaviour occurs
      • Increases reliability with control
    • Participant observations
      • The researcher becomes part of the group
      • Reduces demand characteristics
      • Difficult to record all data at once
    • Non-participant observations

      • The researcher observes from outside the group
      • Reduces demand characteristics
    • Covert observations

      • Participants don't know they are being observed
      • Reduces demand characteristics
      • Difficult to gain consent
    • Overt observations

      • Participants know they are being observed
    • Behavioural categories

      Operationalised behaviours that observers are looking for and make tally charts for
    • Time sampling

      • Behaviour is recorded at pre-set time intervals
      • May miss important behaviours between intervals
    • Event sampling

      • Behaviour is recorded every time it occurs during the whole observation
      • Can be difficult when lots is going on at once
    • Reliability
      • A pilot observation should be conducted beforehand, observers should be trained in advance so they can correctly identify behaviours
      • Inter-observer reliability can be checked if the two observers have a correlation coefficient of at least 0.8
    • Informed consent

      A balance between deception and full consent
    • Presumptive consent
      Asking a group who would represent those actually in the experiment
    • Retrospective consent
      Gained after the experiment
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