
    Cards (12)

    • Qualitative methods reduce validity
      Uses interpretative validity = the extent researcher's interpretation matches the P's - therefore incoherence of researcher's reporting
    • Qualitative methods reduce validity
      • Intervention by researchers - detected in overt observations makes P's behaviour less natural and authentic
      • Broad, overlapping and ambiguous behavioural categories
    • Ways to improve validity in questionnaires
      • Lie scale - assess consistency of response and control social desirability bias effects
      • Reassuring Ps that data is anonymised
    • Ways to improve validity in experimental research
      • Control groups - better assessment of whether DV changes due to IV
      • Standardise procedures, single-blind or double-blind procedures - minimise participant reactivity and investigator effects
      • Single-blind procedures - reduce demand characteristic effects
      • Double-blind procedures - reduce demand characteristic effects and investigator effects on third party (conducts study w/o knowing main purpose)
    • Concurrent validity
      The extent to which results are similar to the ones of another recognised and well-established test
    • Ecological validity
      The extent to which a study is realistic or representative of real life
    • Event sampling
      Target behaviour or event is first established then the researcher records this event every time it occurs
    • External validity
      The extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other situations/context
    • Extraneous variable
      Uninvestigated variable that causes unwanted changes in the DV and doesn't systematically vary with the IV
    • Face validity
      Measures whether a test looks like it tests what it is supposed to test
    • Historical validity
      The extent to which the findings can be generalised to another time period
    • How do qualitative methods enhance validity?

      • More depth and detail that reflects P's reality therefore higher mundane realism (eg in case studies and interviews)
      • Triangulation = using a number
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