Useful techniques for helping individuals overcome problem behaviour and troublesome emotions by getting rid of unproductive, debilitating thoughts or beliefs, and adopting more constructive ones
Identifying and describing a target behaviour, identify possible causes of the behaviour, selecting a treatment strategy, and evaluating the treatment outcomes
To do well in competition you have to get yourself really psyched up. This is a misconception because depending on what sport you are doing one that needs more energy and stamina such as something that is long distance should be relaxed. As if they are aroused they are using more of their energy.
Sports psychology alone can make you a super athlete. This is a misconception because athlete feel that they can miss practice because they are in these sessions.
Sports psychologist only consult with athletes at competitions. This is a misconception because most of the preparation at competitions gets most of the popular press.
To get really good at mental preparation, all you have to do is talk to a sports psychologist. This is a misconception because athletes need to practice their mental preparation to be good at it.
A list of performance aspects of practices and/or competitions that apply to a number of different sports. Athletes answer with Never, Occasionally, and Always on the questions that are on that checklist.
1. An athlete is asked to identify the qualities and characteristics of a top athlete in their sport.
2. Athlete is asked to evaluate his/her current level of mastery with respect to each of those qualities and characteristics.
3. Areas in which the athlete is deficient in terms of those qualities and characteristics are used to identify specific target behaviours for improvement.