trauma or injury is a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in canada
the child faces significant risk of trauma to his or her developing neurological system
trauma will often lead to neurological disorders that have life-threatening and lasting
coop injury: vibrates hit front of skull
contra injury: hits back of skull
non accidental head trauma: may result from violent shaking(shaken baby syndrome); blows to the head' and intentional cranial impacts against the wall, furniture or floor
perinatal head trauma: may result from excessive forces before or during the birth process
Near drowning- requires rapid assessment of airway, breathing, and circulation followed by appropriate resuscitative measures
focus on: maintaining the child ABCs, and neurological status closely; preventing and decreasing any seizure activity; and treating any other injuries that may have occurred from trauma
near drowning: an incident in which a child has suffered a submersion injury and has survived from at least 24 hours
near drowning: for children <1 year, most events occur in bathtubs, buckets or toilets
near drowning: 2nd leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children between 1-14 years
occur I.rural and urban areas, increase over weekends and summer months and linked to recreation activities
near drowning: these deaths are considered preventable fatalities
near drowning: drowning fatalities for indigenous people were reported to be six times higher when compared to non-indigenous people