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  • ANPH 111 (Anatomy and Physiology)
  • The Muscular System
  • VanPutte, Cinnamon. Regan, Jennifer. Russo, Andrew (2016). Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology Penn Plaza, New York, New York, McGraw-Hill Education, 10th Edition
  • Computer device or smartphone with internet access (at least 54 kbps; average data subscription will suffice)
  • Acetylcholine
    Chemical messenger released from the end of a motor neuron
  • Actin
    Protein of which the thin myofilaments are composed
  • Aerobic respiration

    Process that breaks down fatty acids for energy when oxygen is present
  • Anaerobic respiration

    Process that breaks down glucose for energy when oxygen is not plentiful
  • Antagonist
    Muscles that oppose the action of a prime mover
  • Aponeurosis
    Flat, broad tendon that attaches a muscle to another muscle or to bone
  • ATP
    Adenosine triphosphate; used for energy in cells to perform various functions, including muscle contraction
  • Atrophy
    Decrease in the size of a muscle
  • Belly
    The thick midsection of the muscle
  • Complete tetanus
    Condition in which impulses arrive so fast the muscle cannot relax between stimuli and twitches merge into one prolonged contraction
  • Creatine phosphate
    Compound stored in muscle that is used for short bursts of high-energy activity
  • Endomysium
    Delicate connective tissue covering each muscle fiber
  • Epimysium
    Connective tissue covering that surrounds muscles as a whole and binds all muscle fibers together
  • Fascia
    Connective tissue surrounding the muscle
  • Fascicles
    Bundles of muscle fibers
  • Hypertrophy
    Enlargement of a muscle
  • Incomplete tetanus
    Condition of rapid muscle contraction with only partial relaxation
  • Insertion
    The end of a muscle that attaches to the more mobile bone
  • Isometric contraction
    Contraction in which the tension within a muscle increases while its length remains the same
  • Isotonic contraction
    Contraction in which the muscle changes length to move a load
  • Motor unit
    A neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates
  • Muscle fiber
    A skeletal muscle cell
  • Muscle tone
    Continuous state of partial muscle contraction that allows for the maintenance of posture
  • Myofibrils
    Long protein bundles that fill the sarcoplasm of a muscle fiber
  • Myofilaments
    Fine protein fibers that make up a myofibril
  • Myosin
    Protein of which the thick myofilaments are composed
  • Neuromuscular junction
    Connection between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber
  • Origin
    The end of a muscle that attaches to the more stationary bone
  • Perimysium
    Sheath of connective tissue encasing fascicles
  • Prime mover
    The main muscle triggering a movement
  • Sarcomere
    The unit of contraction of the myofibrils of a muscle
  • Sarcoplasm
    The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber
  • Synaptic cleft

    Narrow space between the end of a motor nerve and the muscle fiber
  • Synergists
    Muscles that assist in the movement of a bone