GE3 first lesson

Cards (22)

  • Global economic imperialism is a situation where one nation assumes economic power or influence over the others
  • Globalism points our aspirations for an end state of affairs wherein values are shared by or pertinent to all the people, the environment and their roles as citizens, consumers and producers
  • Universalism are values that embrace all humanity
  • Globality to mean globalization as a condition, and future social condition characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural interconnections and global flows
  • Globalization is the concept of global village and also referred to as cultural imperialism
  • Cultural imperialism is the conviction that is a "better" culture
  • Globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world space
  • The rise of the United Nations as the center of global governance is the best evidence of this
  • International relations is the study of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics and security
  • Globalization stresses the concept of worldwide flow of economy, ideas, culture etc.
  • Internationalization emphasizes the relationships between and among nations, people, cultures, institutions, systems
  • a state refers to a country and its government, it is an independent political entity with clear geographic boundaries
  • a nation is a large population that shares the same culture, language, traditions and history
  • a state exercises authority over a specific population called its citizens and governs a specific territory
  • a state has sovereignty over its territory
  • sovereignty refers to the internal and external authority
  • global governance refers to institutions that coordinate the behavior of transnational actors, facilitate cooperation, resolve disputes n alleviate collective action problems
  • global governance broadly entails making, monitoring and enforcing rules
  • governing is having control or rule over oneself
  • intergovernmental organizations is a stable set of norms and rules meant to govern the behavior of states and other actors in the international system
  • intergovernmental organizations are associations of states established by a treaty to pursue the common aims of their member states
  • non-governmental organizations are made up of private citizens